Inventor 2020.5.4 Update 补丁包
2020.5.4 Update 15-November-2022
Resolved an issue where “Place and ground first component at origin” is not working when copying multiple components between assemblies. INVGEN-64903
Translators – DWF
Resolved an issue where the dimension text and the symbols in the drawing are overlapping when exporting to a DWF. INVGEN-64705
Translators – DWG-DXF
Resolved an issue when certain fonts are converted to the different font types when exporting to AutoCAD DWG file. INVGEN-64228
Resolved an issue with misaligned text when exporting to the AutoCAD DWG file. INVGEN-64226
转换器 – DWF:解决了在导出为 DWF 时,工程图中的尺寸标注文字和符号重叠的问题。INVGEN-64705
转换器 – DWG-DXF:解决了在导出为 AutoCAD DWG 文件时,某些字体被转换为不同字体类型的问题。INVGEN-64228
解决了在导出为 AutoCAD DWG 文件时文字未对齐的问题。INVGEN-64226