The micro-intervention of courtyard houses renewal, the reconstruction of No. 24 Caochang North Lane, is a design practice of the urban renewal, exploring the possibility of micro-intervention of courtyard houses with minimal changes and low-cost construction to connect the urban context and integrate the new use groups and programs.
▼改造后的庭院,The courtyard after renovation
The project is located at Caochang North Lane, adjacent to the Bell and Drum Tower. As the symbolic building of the area, the traditional Chinese architecture has large impact on its surroundings. With its morning bell and evening drum, the tower has been announcing the time for hundreds of years. Even though the bell and drum are no longer ringing, it has left the site with the memory of “time”. The Bell and Drum tower plaza is on the way to the project. Along the walk, the bustling lanes are becoming quiet and organized in such a neighborhood.
▼总图,Site plan
▼场地与钟鼓楼空间关系图,Spatial Diagram of the site and the Bell and Drum Tower
Use Group and Functions
In the current urban development within the second ring road of Beijing, the change of the use group is an important factor to promote the renewal of the ancient city. Along with the people, various cultural tradition and lifestyle inject new energy into the ancient city. Xiniuhui, the client of the project, is a Fujian internet enterprise. Tea drinking is an indispensable ritual for Fujian people. As different lifestyles form different spaces, the lifestyle of Fujian people determines the role of tea house in the space. Building a tea house here originates from the poetic of life itself.
▼小院门口,The entrance of the courtyard
The micro-intervention
Before the renovation, it was a Hutong homestay about to be abandoned, with 7 rooms of different styles and a slightly busy courtyard, which was incompatible with the client’s needs. The space didn’t match the program while the budget for renovation was quite limited. In this situation, the architect proposed a strategy of partial renovation (micro-intervention) by adding a core function—a tea room into the courtyard, so as to change the spatial quality of the courtyard house.
▼从露台看向庭院,The courtyard view from the terrace
▼改造前的庭院,view of the courtyard before renovation
During the process of renovation, only small portion of the house were demolished: the dilapidated narrow east room, the two partition walls of the south and north room and the toilet. Three boxes were added. One was added in the courtyard as a tea room and the other two were integrated into the north and south rooms as an open office and a multi-function room. The rest three rooms, one kitchen and two guest rooms were basically kept in the original layout with one guest room converted into a small tea room and meeting room and the other retained as a staff lounge. As the new part was embedded into the original courtyard, both the original and new parts maintained their own characteristics.
▼设计生成,Design generation (动图GIF)
▼庭院一侧的多功能室,view of the multi-function room from the courtyard ©陈培新
The Generation of the Tea house
The idea of the tea house comes from the contemplation on “time” on the site. The architect intends to connect the apricot tree, the tea house, and the sun to explore the changes brought by “time” to this site. The distance between the tree and the tea house is 6 meters. The crown radius of the tree is 5 to 6 meters and the tree is 13-meter high. The movement of the sun throughout a day projects the shadows of tree in the courtyard, which comes through the round window of the tea house in the afternoon, reflecting sparkling lights on the table. A sense of serenity is emerges in the room as the light enters, which reaches a climax in the lights and shadows around 3 to 4 in the afternoon.
The shadow diagram between the tea house and the tree in a day
▼午后的茶室,The tea house in the afternoon ©陈培新
▼院子内一天光影变化 , The changes of light and shadow in the courtyard throughout a day
▼茶室内下午光影变化,The changes of light and shadow in the tea house in the afternoon
The circular window is out of the consideration of the void and solid space of the tea house, which acts as a receiver of light, and guides the sight at the same time so that it increases the spatial level of the yard. While looking from the outside to the inside, the tea house is the opposite scenery of the courtyard; from the inside to the outside, the tea house is the medium of communication between man and nature.
▼树影投上开有圆窗的白墙,The tree shadows on the wall with round window
▼茶室内部看向院子,Looking at the courtyard from the tea house
▼在茶室中悠然沏茶,Make tea in the tea house
▼长方形天窗与圆窗,Rectangular skylight and round window
▼透过天窗看杏树,Apricot trees seen through skylights
▼茶室爆炸轴测图,Tea house explosion axonometric mapping
Construction and Materials
The steel structure is used for the new tea house. With the structural members exposed, it emphasizes the relationship of the lines in the space and echoes the wooden structure of the original building. The terrace railing is reduced in height to allow the tea drinkers to get themselves hidden inside the gables and involved in the environment. The double-layer space of the tea house not only deepens the communication between man and the apricot tree so as to create different experience about tea drinking, but also connects with the city once again by overlooking the Bell and Drum tower from the terrace.
▼天窗,The skylight
▼露台,The terrace
▼远眺钟鼓楼,Overlooking the bell and drum tower
The courtyard is built of black bricks and arranged along the east-west direction. With the strips of concrete embedded between the black bricks, the horizontal pattern widens the width of the narrow courtyard. The black bricks and black stones correspond with the overall gray tone, leaving the white front wall of the tea house alone to receive the light and shadow of the apricot tree. As the interior roof of the north and south houses retains the original material, the new and the old are separated by the aluminum groove, making a continuous line to separate the texture between the upper and lower as well as the new and the old.
▼新旧之间,Between the old and new
Rebirth of the Courtyard
In the whole project, the architect participated in the early planning of the renovation, and made the space of the courtyard adapt to the new needs by the means of micro-intervention. The dialogue between the new and the old is the respect for architecture as it is thus to continue the benign metabolism of the city; the new tea house explores the relationship between man and nature in the courtyard, which is a response to the traditional values as well as a reflection on the present life.
▼茶室夜景,The tea house at night
▼一层平面图,Ground floor plan
▼屋顶平面图,Roof plan
▼剖透视图 , Section view